I'm a Costa Rican-American writer and director. I’ve been writing professionally since 2013, working in fiction, radio, screenwriting, and media commentary. Nowadays I'm probably best known as the creative director and showrunner for Wolf 359, a Webby Award-nominated, science fiction audio fiction series. Since then, I’ve co-created and co-executive produced three new series: a urban fantasy series about a world where magic exists but very few people can see it called Unseen, an anthology series about different ways the world ends called Zero Hours, and a thriller/sitcom hybrid about a bomb disarmament squad called Time:Bombs.
I've also contributed to other ongoing series - such as The Bright Sessions, Wooden Overcoats, Outliers, Life On Pause, The Phenomenon, That Vampire Show, The Amelia Project, and Our Fair City - and co-host the writing gameshow/talk show No Bad Ideas.
When I’ve had a spare moment here and there, I’ve been on the editorial staff of a film news website, worked in the world of online education, and done assistant editing for a feature-length documentary. In addition to that, I've taught workshops and done public speaking on audio fiction, internet-based media, and film, including various panels and speaking engagements at the Austin Film Festival, Podcast Movement, PodTales, Dragon Con, and Rhode Island Comic Con, as well as classes at various universities and high schools. My passions are exploring the formal boundaries of different narratives mediums and providing ideas for creative communities.
I'm currently based out of Brooklyn, New York.
I always appreciate receiving comments, feedback, critiques, and suggestions of and for my work, be it fiction or theory-based. However, due to time constraints and the sheer volume of daily mail, I am rarely able to respond to these messages directly. But please do feel free to contact me at the address below, and know that - even if not every piece of mail gets a response - every piece of mail gets read.
For business-related inquiries and speaking engagements, please allow 2-3 business days for a response.