Want to write great fiction podcasts but don't know where to begin? You're not alone! Gabriel is offering a new and updated version of his acclaimed online workshop, Writing Stories For Sound this coming February. Join Gabriel on a guided tour of his own journey into understanding audio, as he revisits the questions he asked as he was taking his first baby steps into the medium with the first episodes of Wolf 359.
Topics that this workshop covers include:
The Tools and Potential of Audio Storytelling
Using Audio to Create Visual Experiences
The Listener's Participation in Audio Fiction
Stories Only Audio Can Tell
Comparisons to Other Mediums
Getting Listeners Involved
Conceptualizing Great Audio Scenes
But wait, there’s more! Gabriel is also offering a first-of-its-kind Masterclass Edition of Writing Stories For Sound. Starting on February 5th, Gabriel is going to be writing a brand new script for an audio fiction show, and he wants you to come with him and do the same! Over the course of six weekly class sessions, he’ll teach you the in’s and out’s of putting together a pilot script, and he’ll break down the daunting prospect of writing a full script into a series of manageable bite-sized writing assignments.
Among the things he’ll teach you about over the course of this masterclass are:
Character Presentation: How to Create Vivid Characters And Introduce Them Quickly
Audio Stories: Determine Whether Your Story Wants to Live in Audio
Creative Exposition: World-Build While Entertaining Your Audience
Structure, Structure, Structure: Going From Idea to Plot to Script
Formatting: Write Scripts That Are Professional AND Entertaining
Medium Possibilities: Bring In Techniques from Film Into Your Audio
And, of course: How to Write a First Draft of a Script In Six Weeks
So if you're interested in writing the great audio fiction content of tomorrow - or if you’re just interested mastering the mysteries of audio fiction and becoming a sharper, wiser listener - join Gabriel for a look at the art and craft of making stories that demand active listening.
This coming February, Gabriel is teaching Writing Stories For Sound two times - on Sunday February 2nd at 2:00 PM Eastern and on Tuesday February 4th at 7:00 PM. Both of these workshops run for approximately three hours apiece.
For those interested in the Masterclass Edition, that begins on Wednesday February 5th and runs weekly until March 12th. All sessions will start at 8:00 PM Eastern and run for approximately two hours.
For more information and to sign up, click on the buttons below: